In IUMEX GROUP S.P.A. high quality castings are produced according to national and international regulations.
Quality control is managed at various levels of the production cycle, starting with a careful selection of incoming raw materials, and then continuing through all the other production phases.
Laboratory tests are constantly carried out for further metallurgical control, chemical analyzes, metalloscopic and metallographic analyzes.
We can meet any specific need, as we have modern equipment that can develop and produce any model for any specific product.
Disponiamo dei seguenti impianti per fusioni:
We have the following melting plants:
The quality control of our casting products is carried out using the following tools:
Fonderie IUMEX S.p.A.: Via Mozart 78/86 – 41122 – Modena – Italia
Tel: +39 059 280979 – Fax: +39 059 280609
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 01941440362 | Numero REA: MO-254699
Capitale sociale: € 500.000,00